Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A Home for Friendless French Girls

(Above: Orphan Girl at the Cemetery by Eugene Delacroix. What do you think she sees?)

What did I take away from this fascinating article on the fabulous blog Ephemeral New York? That the Jeanne D'Arc residence hotel in Manhattan is run by nuns and was once known as a "home for friendless French girls."

Oh the things my imagination might do with such a place! Sometimes that's all it takes--just a five word phrase.


Some Lost Melody said...

She just saw Kiki Strike ride by on her vespa. Lol at first I though the title was A Friend for Homeless French Girls XDDD oops

mari said...

"home for friendless french girls". this is lovely and so interesting. unfortunately, the site doesn't seem to be working at the moment, but i'll bookmark it and try again later.

Toodles*** said...

Haha, I find that funny.

Rachel said...

very interesting!

Anonymous said...

what's the URL for this blog!?!?!?!

Kirsten Miller said...


Elizabeth said...

I think she saw... a giant squirrel. o: Haha, but what a beautiful painting! She is a marvelous orphan.

Lucy said...

Very cool painting I like photography more myself but I love looking at art lolaj XD

Kitty said...

Very... Creative...!

Su said...

Very interesting!

Visit my blog at thatawanigirl.com or blogger.com!

Anonymous said...

thanks kirsten!

Anonymous said...

She saw me and my science fiction club buddies practicing the shotput with old hardback copies of Kathrine Neville's The Eight. I should have tossed that bug-thumper as soon as I realized she got the chess game in chapter two wrong.

Robert in San Diego
(No, we don't really toss books we don't like -- we'll leave that to Dorothy Parker)

Anonymous said...

Or it could have been a vicious hummingbird fight -- although I'm not sure they have hummers in Europe. A few weeks back I saw and heard perhaps the most vicious hummingbird fight I'd ever witnessed. They were dodging past my head with inches to spare. They were dodging potted plants bare inches above the patio, then zooming up about thirty feet.

When it was over, one of them was perched in a tree and busy cleaning feathers off his/her beak. Cute, graceful, nectar-sipping hummingbirds can transform into enraged Air to Air combatants in a flash. Sometimes it's funny, but when my parent's cat decides to hide and you can HEAR the sound of wingbeats change because they're beating each other, not just air, you have to wonder. Yeah, these birds really are descended from carnivorous dinosaurs.

Robert in San Diego

Holy Lucy, Batman! said...

Ooooh I got it she sees ZOMBIES