Tuesday, December 11, 2007

For the Adventurous Eater: Bacon Cookies

Planning to make some cookies for the holidays? Tired of the same old flavors? Well, the cook behind the Ooh You Tasty Little Things blog thinks she has the perfect recipe for you. Bacon Chocolate Chip Cookies with Maple Syrup Glaze.

Now before you start heaving, take a minute to read her post. She swears these cookies are delicious. And who knows, maybe they are. (Though they're certainly not kosher.) But they say witchetty grubs are delicious too, and you aren't going to see me eating those, either.


Spring said...

Not cool! (Notice I didn't say cool)

Those look disgusting. Mr. H. says so too. I guess we'll have to try them to find out though.

Erin said...

Umm...interesting. Hm. I'd rather of bacon by itself or cookie by itself. But I think I would try it, maybe. :)

Raphael said...

I wonder if the blogger would mind if I removed the bacon from that recipe. xD I mean, I don't even like bacon by itself in the first place.

I checked the blog, though, and some of her other recipes look really, really good. (: My mouth is watering.

Nellie said...

Yum! Bacon cookies and ham soda!

Lara said...

Ananka?? i have some info about some huge underground tunnels that are underneath Liverpool, England. If you have an email address i dont mind emailing you about them.


Maddi said...

at first im was like "ew! how could that taste good?" but then i really thought about it. i think it would taste delicious.try mentally put the flavors of bacon and cookies together. still, i'd rather have them seperatley.

Hazel said...

Eeew! I can't believe she eats that! But bacon with maple syrup is really good. Or breakfast sausages with maple syrup. Mmm.

Patsee said...


Bacon tastes good with maple syrup, but chocolate?

foofoo said...

i don't eat bacon, but that really
still does look weird. ( i've tried turkey bacon, did not like it) just wonderiing, i have a book i'm writing do u recomend any publishers?

ookamishinzui said...

I wonder what you could do with those cookies....(other than eat them, be imagnitive people!)

ananka said...

Laura: Yes, please! Send them to kikistrike@gmail. I've heard of the tunnels, but I don't know that much about them, so I'm really curious to see what you have!

FooFoo: What kind of book is it? The best advice is usually to think of books that influenced you (or that are similar to yours) and hunt down their publishers.

infamous said...


ananka said...

Wow. How many of you guys are vegetarians?

theatre said...

*gag* dead pig and sugar *GAGGGAG* sorry meat eaters I have NO stomach, well thats not true I just choose not to

Hazel said...

When I want to have BLT and there's no bacon, sometimes I make "fakin' bacon," which is cold cuts fried in bacon fat (which we save after doing real bacon). It can't compare, but it's better that nothing.
Sorry vegetarians!

hania said...

Bacon/Ham is no good for me. it isnt kosher and it isnt halal.