I need to travel to London as soon as possible to visit my daredevil, girl-genius niece, Francesca. When I get there, I plan to keep an eye out for the street art of Slinkachu. He's responsible for the "Inner City Snail" project I wrote about a while back. But he's probably best known for his Little People art. (Shown above.) The idea is that tiny people have been brought to London and left to fend for themselves. They go about their daily lives without attracting much notice from the rest of us.
Slinkachu creates the tiny artworks, photographs them, and leaves them behind for the residents of London to find! (The pictures at the bottom were were taken during a recent trip to Italy.) Imagine peering into the gap left by a missing brick and finding THIS . . .

As you all know, I'm a big fan of leaving artworks and secret messages behind for others to discover. And while most of us probably can't replicate Slinkachu's fabulous tiny sculptures, it seems like this idea might easily be "borrowed" and brought to your own hometown.

first comment!
Wow...I love how inventive these are...
I live very close to london, I'm defintely going to try to check this out!!!I love the snails as well :)
These are so cute and clever! I have never come across anything interesting like these things you always come across :(
Although, we actually started planting notes around the school last year. Nobody knew who it was! It said stuff like Turn Off The Lights and Prevent Global Warming... Stuff like that edited on Photoshop. One teacher said it was sick! (Even though it was aiming at her, she always had a light on in her office, as well as a lamp right next to her, for no reason.)
Ananka, would planting a small bunch of flowers in a random person's shoe be art?
Can't wait to show you my karate skills and my one surviving triop - a tough fairy shrimp, called "Waitrose"
Chesky-poo xxx
IK: Absolutely! As long as they're not dead or dirt. (JK)
omg i love those little things!!! seeing that would totally make my day! i did this thing for school where we hid little green leprecaun clothes and shues and stuff around the classrooms in the elementry schools
it was so cute! i want to do something like these tiny arts though so funn :)
Chesky-Poo! I can't wait to witness the awesome power of your punches. And let's hope Waitrose survives until I get there.
so cool.
That's so cool!!
I'm not one to pay attention to detail...so I might have stepped on them...
D: I'm sorry...
I adore things like this. I did things rather like it in my school once.
(By the by, I'm aware there is another 42 lurking around this blog, and I apologize for any confusion I've caused. )
Cute! He and the fairie door artist should work together.
I bought his book, it's really interesting!
don't you hate it when your music gets totally messed up. mine has it doesn't even play the song that the name says...grrrrrrrrrrr
Oh wow ... These are incredible! Sadly, I don't have the artistic skill to bring this to Montana ... :(
Very cool.
i HATE math teachers they are the most retarded things ever. they're all probably best friends with the devil stupid idiots
Those are so amazing and detailed and WOW!
Reel Dancer: My math teacher puts his feet up on his desk, bables on and on in monotone and clicks his power points so fast we don't even get to see it.
Irregular Kiki, I remember. How about the Durian one? Hehe XD
I think Slinkachu should be an honourary Irregular! His name reminds of of Pikachu.
As an international Kiki Strike loving community, we CAN do something like this. It can be random sticky notes or small plasticine figures :)
Your niece has a wonderful name. I hope she never shortens it to Franny.
I wonder if stealthily supergluing plastic jewels on things would be good art or just littering. I want to do some cool stealth art but it's gotta be right.
Irregular Kiki and brave chickens you are deserved to honoured for being such coragous irregular
This is what polymer clay is for, my dears.
This will be my weekend project--I'll make a dozen and plant them around my corner of Suburbia.
I love those!!!
snails rule!! but peaches are even better.... sorry that wuz random...
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