Ever wonder how it feels to be hit by a pea-sized meteorite traveling 30,000 miles per hour? Now there's one person on earth who knows. Fourteen-year-old Gerrit Blank was walking to school in Essen, Germany, when a "ball of light" struck his hand--then created a (get this) FOOT-WIDE crater in the ground.
Gerrit is now being studied by scientists who believe he may soon begin to exhibit super-human powers. JK.
Read more here.
(Many thanks to Big K and S for sending me this story!)

Haha i read about this on Fox News.com ! Maybe he'll grow big, like ginormica in monsters vs. aliens.....hmmmmmm.
i have a penpal in germany. i wonder if she heard about it...?
how come this kind of stuff never happens to me?!
I want superhuman powers too!
That's not fair. I want superpowers.
heh heh! Did the meteriorite go through his hand? Hmmm... i wonder if he can fly! ive always wanted to fly... but anyway, Kristen , can you read this story i wrote... its kinda vampire-ish but thats just because i have a thing for vamp's!!! rofl... i made a site for it... heres the link-
I don't need meteorites; I was born with enhanced abilities. (That's what the people in my secret group of teens with superpowers call it, 'cause superpowers is so cliche.)
That's awesome! (good thing it was small... he could have gotten really hurt.)
Kirsten: Leaving tomorrow! :)
hey i just found this and it's my favorite thing on youtube now. here's the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lk5_OSsawz4
I read this after seeing it on ninemsn.
Imagine what he'll say about how he got the scar?!
Thats is soo strange...
hes lucky it didnt land on his head.
Anyways, my friend went to NYC and saw the SAD PANDA, and she took a picture of him.
Remember that one post about Miss Porter's School and Tatum Bass. (the one where a girl is suing for being bullied by an "all girl torture squad")
There is a 6 pg Vanity Fair article on her. The July 2009 issue. I didn't have the chance to read it but i will.
i have always wanted superpowers... my favorite was shape shifting into different things and people... but still i love being a girl too. it definitely has it's advantages.
OH MY GOSH THAT IS SO COOL! I wish I got hit by a meteorite, or ANYTHING from space really, as long as I survive. so so so so so so so so so soo cool
That's weird. Well in my city two weeks ago, this guys got struck by lightning. He didn't die, he was in a coma.
That looks like it hurt!
please read my story Kristen! Heres the link again- http://web.me.com/craigtennispro/WriteYourOwnStories/My_Stories/My_Stories.html
you have to copy and paste! Everyone else, feel free to read it too!
whoa!!!cool hey everyone checkout my blog and post nice comment please!!
i wish SOMETHING remotely interesting would happen to me... ANYTHING! please?
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