Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I Guess Everyone Needs a Hobby

A group of Swedish design students have built (and destroyed) a miniature Manhattan inside a friend's apartment. From what I can tell, it was created for a music video using only wood, glue, plaster and paint.

It's cool, I'll give them that. (And I love the wallpaper!) But why is it ALWAYS New York? Couldn't they have destroyed Stockholm?

See more pictures here.


Anonymous said...

Cool, I wonder how they gave all the buildings the perfect colors and textures. They must have some talented artists!

Maddi said...

that's pretty cool, but isn't it a little strange that someone would want a destroyed Manhattan in a music video?

Erin said...

Wow, impressive!

Spring said...

So detailed! Whenever I try to do something like that, well lets just say it doesn't turn out good.

Carry No Seal said...

That's really interesting. I wonder what their inspiration was. 'Hey let's go make a model of Manhattan and destroy it!' 'Yesh! Let's do it!'
I wish I had that much spare time

Kitty said...

Wow!!! That is soo sweet!! o0 How did they do that??? They can make much better houses then the people in my class... -.-*nod*

Patsee said...

I wonder how much it cost to build.

It must have takenhours on end.

Nellie said...

Betcha when they were done destroying, it was even messier than my bedroom. And that's saying something!:(

ookamishinzui said...

these people are soooo violent!I agree with you Ananka....WHY NEWYORK!!!?

LittleChar said...

dude thats amazing, and I am totally doing it when I grow up, along with being an author, safari expert, certifiable genius, catacombs explorer, ARTIST (duh), mad scientist and a couple other employments of illreputation like espionage or something :)