Friday, September 23, 2011

The Quickest Way to a Librarian's Heart

If you want to win over some bookish lads and ladies, I suggest making an anonymous gift to their favorite book-lending institutions. Perhaps a magnificent and mysterious paper sculpture?

That's what's been happening in Scotland. For the past year, remarkable works of art (such as those above) that have been appearing in libraries all over the country. The artist has not been identified, which is even more remarkable given the quality of his/her art!

Read more here.


Anonymous said...

Another way to support your local library is to use it. Check out books. Read them. Return them. Smart librarians use circulation figures to bolster their budget proposals.

Robert "oh my gosh I've got an email from the library my books on hold are in!" in San Diego

Anonymous said...

Wow, they're amazing. I wish our school library had stuff like that. Mybe I could try to make something like that. Although it probably wouldn't turn out so well.
BTW, happy banned book week.

Kitty said...

Oh wow that's so beautiful! >w<

Unknown said...

hahah that's the way to my heart, but I think the thought of cutting up books would cause some librarians a lot of anguish...