Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Metropolitan Etiquette Authority

Jayshells, you are my favorite person of the week. The artist has created a new "Subway Etiquette" campaign designed to address passengers' most common complaints--about other passengers. Posters will soon be up in trains throughout the city.

Believe it or not, nail clipping (as mentioned above) is a fairly common sight on New York City public transportation. And there's always some dude with a finger up his nose. Come on, people!


Cassie said...

Nail clipping on the Subway? Now, that's just bad...

montana irregulars said...

Do you also need to add get dressed?? These seems like common facts!! who in there right mind would do this?

Clare said...

Nice, blunt, instuctions :)

Kitty said...

Oh wow... I never knew ny's subway's were that bad [with the nail clipping I mean Oo']

Kitty said...

[sorry for double posting]

I think Jayshells should post something up about loud music. [I saw a sign in France's subway lol] D: Alot of insensitive people play their music waaaaaaaay too loud XD

Jin Ai said...

This is amazing!! I hope they're still there by August.

The Golden Eagle said...

The fact people need to be told that is digusting. C'mon, folks, NAIL CLIPPING?

Gamma said...

This is why I drive a car. No one cars if I clip my nails there. Just wait a minute while I swerve around this pedestrian...

(But seriously, simply by brushing my hair at stop lights I save five minutes out of my day. Now I'm waiting for my robot-controlled individual-sized air transportation, so I can productively use ALL of my travel time. Waste not, want not.)

MushroomCloud said...

I lie subways!! you can smila at people and watch them get scared. Seee some people are away that 1 yr old girls are dangerous!! (i was bing sarcastic)

i won my lax game- 14-1. I felt bad:(

Anonymous said...

SERIOUSLY thats just gross, i have never been on a subway and i will never go on one now;D @_@ <3

Hazel said...

This is really cool and all, but in what way is it art?

Some Lost Melody said...

LOL that's hilarious!!

Enigma said...

That's hilarious! Love the person who wrote the instructions...