The New York Times has never been known for its whimsicality, but perhaps that’s about to change. (And I’m not sure how I feel about it.) This weekend, they’re sponsoring a scavenger hunt. Anyone with a camera is invited to submit photos of sights that are unique to the greatest city on earth. A short sample:
Worst (most disgusting) bagel toppings
Most unusual fruit for sale (I nominate the durian—see below.)
Cheesiest Statue of Liberty souvenir (aren’t they all?)
Worst dressed dog
Most dogs with one human (minimum four dogs)
Most useful piece of garbage
Pedestrian triple-tasking (people doing at least three things at once—while walking)
However, should you take a picture of a celebrity, you’ll be fined 20 points. In New York, you’re supposed to ignore them.
I would like to add the following to the New York Times list:
Sewer alligators (+100 points if they're albino)
Exploding manhole (happens more often than you’d think)
Mole people
Fiercest subway rat (that might be too easy)
Kamikaze pigeons
Most questionable meat product
Highest ranking member of an organized crime family
Female cab driver (why aren’t there more?)
Unusual city wildlife (choose from a list of beavers, turkeys, coyotes, dolphins, seals, and reality TV stars)
The Irregulars logo
albino alligators in NY, good luck with that one...
todays your one year anniversry! it's the 4th of March! hooray for Ananka's Diary! celebrating a whole years worth of posts and various vistors!
Wow! I hadn't realized that it was my anniversary. Thanks so much for pointing it out. If I had a big slice of cake, I'd eat it.
(And thanks for all of your comments, too. They keep me very entertained! If there's ever anything you think deserves a post, just let me know.)
Would you do this contest thing mabob?
HOORAY FOR ANANKA!!!!!! I LOVE YOUR BLOG SO MUCH!!!!! HAPPY ONE YEAR ANIVERSERY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:) :) :)
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